September 7, 2021

Emily Smith

Administrative Assistant


September 15th, 2017


Queridas Familias:


I would like to thank you all for coming to Curriculum Night/State of the School last night.  It was wonderful to see how many parents signed up for volunteer opportunities, allowing us to keep up with our well-developed system of parent participation. As a charter school, ISLA counts on its system of volunteers to fill in the funding gaps which traditional districts are able to address through the levying of bonds. If you were unable to attend, please see the link in this newsletter with information about how to sign up for opportunities.  

As we continue our efforts to foster international mindedness and global citizenship, ISLA will celebrate the International Day of Peace next week, September 18th through September 22nd.  As many of you are aware, in 1981 the United Nations established September 21st as the International Day of Peace, and this is now celebrated in communities around the globe. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. The Day’s theme for 2017 This gives a perfect opportunity to collaborate with IB schools around the world, and to continue the dialogue of equality, respect, mutual understanding, and empathy.

I would like to inform you of a few of the activities taking place at ISLA next week. 

  1. Today, we are sending home the model for a paper dove. Please discuss peace with your child, and what kinds of actions help us have peaceful relationships.  We would appreciate it if you would follow the instructions on the paper, and write a family pledge, favorite quote, wish, or plan for peace on the side of the dove. Please send the dove back to your child’s teacher with the peace message on Tuesday, September 19th. 
  2. Tuesday, September 19th: students will look at ways that peacemaking is closely connected to the IB learner profile, and write their own personal classroom pledge on the doves. Doves will be displayed on Wednesday and Thursday.
  3. Wednesday, September 20th: Throughout the week, students will do age appropriate research on areas that require conflict resolution, both locally and around the globe, and look at soluntions. They will map these discussions on several "peace maps". Students will also look at ways that international communities celebrate peace.
  4. Thursday, September 21st:  Students, teachers, and staff wear white shirts to celebrate peace.  Students should wear a school appropriate white shirt of their choice and jeans, or ISLA uniform pants.   We will take a school photo in the afternoon to share with other IB schools around the world.


Jeremy Perrin
Executive Director

Thank you!

Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend Curriculum Night. As we mentioned, ISLA has a great tradition of volunteerism. ISLA is able to be the successful school that we are because of the parents, teachers, administration and community members who are invested in making it work.  

Enclosed is a link to a Google Form that we encourage all parents to fill out with a list of volunteer opportunities. Volunteering and giving at ISLA looks different for every family and hopefully there is a role that works for you.

We are looking forward to a great school year!  Thank you for all that you do!

Nora Tycast
ISLA School Board, Chair