January 1st, 2022
Queridas familias ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
As I write this note today, I can see and hear the frigid snowy wind howling outside my window, and I noticed that the temperature in my refrigerator is 50 degrees warmer than outside when I opened it this morning. But as I reflect on the year in review, my heart is warm, and I can see that the path forward is bathed in light. In the past year at ISLA, much was accomplished, and we overcame many challenges. ISLA’s community is as strong as it has ever been, and we look forward to a year filled with inquiry and profound learning, language acquisition, and ways to maintain our all-important physical, social, and emotional health.
It goes without saying that this past year was another challenging one for the world, for America, for Minnesota, and for ISLA. We began the year in full pandemic mode, with communities and schools shut down or functioning at a minimal level. Our state was still reeling from the riots after George Floyd’s murder, and the social justice movement that reverberated around the world. We all watched in horror as the insurrection at the Capitol breached the halls of democracy in Washington D.C., and many of us endured and mourned the loss of loved ones throughout the course of the year.
But we persisted, didn’t we? With the passing of every year, there is of course much to celebrate in our story as well. Babies were born. Federal and State aid arrived for schools and families. Vaccines became available. The rest of our students were able to return to class in phases later that winter, and we learned more than we ever thought we would about distance learning, COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, mitigation, and other protocols. We developed and passed a new Strategic Plan for ISLA, and began implementation, in the middle of the pandemic.
In late 2020, we closed on our new property, and began construction in the spring of 2021. Moving an entire school and getting set up on time was an incredible undertaking and could not have been done without the whole ISLA volunteer and staff “village.” I would like to thank you all for your help with this project and others last year, for keeping us afloat last year, for everything else you do for ISLA.
Here is a general update of what is going on at ISLA:
One thing that we do in my family is to reflect deeply on the year past, and then look at our goals and aspirations for the new year from the context of identifying one word which best describes this path. This word becomes our “North Star” for all things and intentions throughout the year. For 2022, I chose the word talent. Identifying, and fostering talent in students, and building these capacities in our faculty and staff is at the core of our academic success, and I look forward to helping hone these abilities in the year to come. I invite you to choose a word that will guide your intentions and set the tone for the year ahead.
Look forward to a wonderful 2022.
(Spanish Below)
1 de enero de 2022
Queridas familias ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
Mientras escribo esta nota, puedo oír el gélido viento de la nieve aullando afuera de mi ventana, y esta mañana al abrir el refrigerador, me he dado cuenta de que la temperatura de la nevera es 50 grados más cálida que la de afuera. Pero al reflexionar sobre el año que termina, mi corazón se siente contento y puedo ver que el camino que viene por delante está lleno de luz. El año pasado en ISLA, logramos mucho y superamos muchos desafíos. La comunidad de ISLA hoy es tan fuerte como lo ha sido siempre, y esperamos un año lleno de investigación y aprendizaje profundo, adquisición de idiomas, y formas de mantener nuestra importante salud física, social y emocional.
No hace falta decir que el año pasado fue otro desafío para el mundo, para Estados Unidos, para Minnesota y para ISLA. Comenzamos el año en modo pandémico, con comunidades y escuelas cerradas o funcionando a un nivel mínimo. Nuestro Estado aún se tambaleaba por los disturbios tras el asesinato de George Floyd, y el movimiento de justicia social que repercutió en todo el mundo. Todos vimos con horror cómo la insurrección en el Capitolio irrumpía en los salones de la democracia en Washington D.C., y muchos de nosotros soportamos y lloramos la pérdida de seres queridos a lo largo del año.
Pero persistimos, ¿no es así? Con el paso de cada año, también hay, por supuesto, mucho que celebrar en nuestra historia. Nacieron bebés. Llegaron las ayudas federales y estatales para las escuelas y las familias. Las vacunas estuvieron disponibles. El resto de nuestros alumnos pudieron volver a clase por fases ese mismo invierno, y aprendimos más de lo que pensábamos sobre la enseñanza a distancia, las pruebas de COVID-19, el rastreo de contactos, la mitigación y otros protocolos. Desarrollamos y aprobamos un nuevo Plan Estratégico para ISLA, y comenzamos a implementarlo, en medio de la pandemia.
A finales del 2020, cerramos el trato sobre nuestra nueva propiedad, y comenzamos la construcción en la primavera del 2021. Trasladar una escuela entera e instalarla a tiempo fue un reto increíble, y no se podría haber hecho sin toda la ayuda de voluntarios y personal de ISLA. Me gustaría agradecerles a todos por su ayuda con este proyecto y otros el año pasado, por mantenernos a flote el año pasado, por todo lo demás que hacen por ISLA.
A continuación, una actualización general de lo que ocurre en ISLA:
Una de las cosas que hacemos en mi familia al finalizar el año, es reflexionar profundamente sobre lo vivido durante el año, y luego mirar nuestras metas y aspiraciones para el nuevo año desde el contexto de identificar una palabra que marque el tono y describa mejor este camino. Esta palabra se convierte en nuestra "Estrella del Norte" para todas las cosas e intenciones a lo largo del año. Para el 2022, he elegido la palabra talento. Identificar y fomentar el talento en los estudiantes, y desarrollar estas capacidades en nuestro profesorado y personal es el núcleo de nuestro éxito académico, y espero ayudar a perfeccionar estas habilidades en el próximo año. Les invito a que elijan una palabra que guíe sus intenciones y marque el tono del año que se avecina.
Les deseamos un maravilloso 2022.
The weather may be frightful outside, but the sweet sounds of a ukulele will bring you to the Hawaiian beaches in no time! In this class, your student will learn the basics of playing the ukulele, including a variety of chords to strum to many popular songs. No experience needed, but if you are already a player, you can continue to build your skills and fine tune your technique. Bring your own ukulele, or you may use one of the school’s. All parents (in case your child forgets their instrument one week) must sign a waver stating they are responsible for any damages incurred to ISLA’s ukuleles. Classes held entirely in Spanish by our amazing Language Ambassadors, Srta. Anamaría, Srta. Carolina and Sr. Carlos. Go to the extra-curricular activities page to register.
When: Monday afternoons, 4:15-5:15 in the Exploracíon Room.
Jan. 10-March 21 (8 classes) No class Jan. 17, Feb. 21 and March 7
Signed waiver needed. Click here for waiver.
Who: Students in grades 2-6
Cost: $96
Learn how to turn clay into different animals, insects, flower pots, rings, ornaments or miniature action figures to encourage imagination and play. Hand-building techniques will be used, and students will explore how tools they can find around the classroom and at home can be made into different patterns and shapes. Classes held entirely in Spanish by our amazing Language Ambassadors, Srta. Irene and Srta. Gisela. Go to the extra-curricular activities page to register.
When: Tuesday afternoons 4:15-5:15 in the Exploracion Room
Jan. 11- March 22 (10 classes) No classes March 8
Who: Kindergarten through 6th
Cost: $120
We’re celebrating the New Year in style – Young Rembrandts winter classes are kicking off with African Masks, the Statue of Liberty, and a winter rabbit. We will be highlighting artist Andy Warhol. You will learn core art skills, gain self-confidence and create some amazing art pieces along the way. Enroll online at https://bit.ly/islanew22
January 12 - March 23
4:00-5:30 pm
$199 (11 sessions)
This class begins on Thursday, January 13 and goes through March 17th. Want to amaze your friends and impress your opponents? Want to increase your IQ while having fun playing chess and compete for various prizes? Learn from Twin Cities Chess Club instructors who have years of experience. Competitive Chess tournaments are scheduled once a year and students can play for real chess trophies! All levels are welcome. We have a great instructor for this class but he is not a Spanish speaker. $99 for 10 sessions. Register online at twincitieschessclub.com/school/Registration.html
Classes will be 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm. Early release dates will have classes from 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm. (January 27, February 24 and March 17)
The ISLA Human Resource Committee is currently recruiting members, and we'd love to have you join us! The H.R. Committee is an advisory committee to the ISLA Board of Directors, made up of parents, community volunteers, ISLA faculty, and staff members. We provide recommendations, guidance, assistance, and support to the Board and the ISLA administration with respect to a variety of human resources matters. As a part of this Committee, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact in the lives of the amazing faculty and staff of ISLA. We regularly solicit employee feedback and recommend actions to increase employee engagement and satisfaction, including in the areas of employee benefits and compensation.
Come join our team! No experience is necessary, but human resource or employment law experience would be particularly appreciated. If you are interested, please contact Dana Provus, the current H.R. Committee Chair, at dprovus@isla.school.
Looking for a way to support the mission and shape the future of ISLA? Join the ISLA Board of Directors! The ISLA Election and Nominating Committee is seeking interested community members, teachers, parents, grandparents, and guardians to fill several upcoming vacancies on the ISLA Board beginning June 30, 2022. No previous experience is required, but we do have a specific need for individuals with expertise in marketing and communications, fundraising, or finance.
The ISLA Board is responsible for overseeing the general operations of the school, implementing policies and procedures, and long-term strategic and financial planning. In addition, there are a number of different committees on which Board members serve. Click here for descriptions of the various committees. The Board meets in the evening on the third Tuesday of each month.
If you are interested in seeking a Board seat, please submit a Statement of Interest (available here) to the Election and Nominating Committee by February 4. Questions about Board service and the election process can be directed to Liz Crouse, Chair of the Election and Nominating Committee, at lcrouse@isla.school. The election of Board Directors will occur in connection with ISLA’s annual meeting on May 17, 2022.